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  • 自考相关事宜
    songyingying 2018-8-18 23:20
    一、什么是自考 高等教育自学考试,是对自学者进行以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试,是以个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式。高等教育自学考试的任务,是通过国家考试促进广泛的个人自学和社会助学活动,推进在职专业教育和大学后继续教育,造就和选拔德才兼备的专门人才,提 ...
    571 次阅读|0 个评论
    后 记
    yuhan 2018-8-18 18:23
    MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 0 2 DocumentNotSpecified 7.8 Normal 0 我是一个土生土长的东北人,从小听着萨满救人的故事长大,但对于博大精深的萨满文化来说,我只能算是个业余爱好者。第一次真正接触萨满文化是在三年前。 那是个初秋的季节,叶子有些泛黄,但仍倔强地挂在枝头不 ...
    76 次阅读|0 个评论
    竞选和辩论Electing and Arguing
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:42
    Electing and Arguing Conversation 1 A : You know. I was so lucky yesterday that I had the honour of watching a wonderful debate in NanJing University , My brother studies there. B : You are really lucky, I think. What was the topic they argued about? A : It was entitled ”Is the H ...
    148 次阅读|0 个评论
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:41
    Tip Conversation 1 A : Can I help you ? B : How much is it? Eight films and a bar of chocolate. A : That's $38, sir. B : Can you accept a check? A : Sorry sir. We can't . Cash only. B : Here's two twenties. Keep the change. A : Thank you . Have a nice day. Conv ...
    418 次阅读|0 个评论
    商场交流Go Shopping
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:40
    Go Shopping Conversation 1 A : Oh, so many kinds of winter hats. B : What is your favorite color , miss? A : Red. B : Here you are. It's very attractive. A : May I try it on ? B : Go ahead. A : Is there a mirror around here? B : Right over there. A : Does it suit m ...
    78 次阅读|0 个评论
    婚嫁礼仪Wedding Etiquette
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:40
    Wedding Etiquette Conversation 1 A : Hi, Lucy ! B : Hi. It's a wonderful wedding, isn't it? A : Yes, It's very great. B : Mary's father is a rich man , isn't he ? A : You are right, Mary's father is responsible for the entire wedding-arrangement, costs , etc. I think h ...
    65 次阅读|0 个评论
    生日派对Birthday Party
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:40
    Birthday Party Conversation 1 A : Here comes the birthday cake. (All begin singing ”Happy Birthday to You”) B : Wow, what a lovely cake. A : Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff. B : Oh, they all went out! Did you make a wish? A : Yes, but I doubt if I ge ...
    71 次阅读|0 个评论
    悼念礼仪At Times of Loss and Grieving
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:39
    At Times of Loss and Grieving Conversation 1 A : Are you ready to pay your last respects to the deceased? B : Yes, Is the service being held at the church? A : I'm just not sure. I'll have to confirm the location with the funeral director. B : There would be of odd if the servi ...
    79 次阅读|0 个评论
    探访病人Visiting a patient
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:39
    Visiting a patient Conversation 1 A : Hi, May , I didn't see you at work this morning. Are you all right? B : Oh, I feel miserable . I've got a bad cold , My head is dizzy and my nose is running. A : Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Have you seen a doctor or taken any medicines? ...
    65 次阅读|0 个评论
    songyingying 2018-8-16 07:35
    12. “谢你哈,让我甩你甩得容易多了。”——《等待梦醒时分》 短评:轻描淡写什么的最帅了。 WAITING TO EXHALE ''Thank you for making this easier for me.'' —John (Michael Beach) to Bernadine (Angela Bassett) when she becomes infuriated that he's leaving her for another woman ...
    98 次阅读|0 个评论

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